Friday, August 3, 2012

Adventure #8....Starting a new......

JOB!!! That's right folks!! You are looking at the next Assistant Account Manger at Inland Label and Marketing!! WOOT WOOT!! I officially accepted today, and i could NOT BE MORE EXCITED.  Incase you need a happy dance looked a little something like this: Happy Dance

I am very excited for this opportunity because this company is very successful and has grown tremendously in the past and has continued to do so presently.  They emphasized that this position is just a stepping stone to proving myself and becoming an Account Maanger.  I will start with my own accounts as wel as assist with others accounts as I learn the ins and outs of the company.  This company emphasizes in growth and is looking for individuals to grow within their company, which is exactly what i am looking for and lacking in my current position.

I start this next adventure on August 20th....WOOT WOOT!!!!

Sidenote: We leave for Maine in less than a week....YAAAHOOOO!!

Oh, and this wouldn't be a legitimate post if it didnt include a photo of the little man!! 
(humpf...blogger is messed up right now...I'll try to upload it later....standby....)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Momma's Jibberish #1…

So I am going to start doing a MOmma's Jibberish post every once in awhile to keep you updated about lil Hunter and life as a family of three+1 furry friend:)
That little man ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF!! 
Hunter ‘s life updatesJ
  • Currently wearing size three diapers.  According to Daddy’s (typically inaccurate) weighing system, HYJ weighs approximately 18.3 lbs.  A more accurate weighing will occur at his next doctors appt. on August 15th.
  • Has his TWO bottom teeth.  They popped through on Friday, July 13th.  Poor Miss Penny (daycare), she had a BEAR of day with him until those puppies popped through that afternoon….after that he smiled with his pearly whitesJ  Its crazy to see little toofers in thereJ
  • Sleeping…well….yes, he sleeps.  But not through the night. Not even close. Momma has come to grasps with the fact that “sleeping through the night” just may not happen for this little man for awhile.  He sleeps for about three hours at a time.  I guess he’s just trying to help me out…I do always say that I don’t get to spend enough time with him….:)  silly boy. 
  • Safety First- Wear your Seatbelt
    He talks…just babbbbbles away.  It’s the cutest little babble I have ever heard.  Shocker;)  My absolutely favorite, which happens at least once a week, is waking up hearing his little babble in the morning.  When I go to peek in the nursery, I see him starring at his quilt (made by Grandma Young) and talking to the Cat in the Hat character on it.  They’re homies.
  • Hutner is working on sitting up…he’s getting pretty good.  It always cracks me up when I put him in his bouncer and he tries to sit right up….I thanks my lucky stars for “seat belts” in those things….otherwise I’d be in troubleJ

  • Over the fourth we went on a mini vacation to glidden.  He enjoyed his first 4th…I thinkJ  I enjoyed his firecracker outfit the most.  I thought dressing little boys would be boring…it is soooooo not.  Thank goodness for his personal shopper….also known as Grammy Gillman. J
  • I feel like I am starting to get into the groove of this working momma thing. Yes…I have been back to wrok for three months now, but I don’t find myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off every morning.  Because for awhile I started to wonder when that would end…or IF it would end. Sometimes I find myself with EXTRA time. Not enough EXTRA time to shower EVERY morning…but thankfully, most mornings I can find the time.  My co-workers appreciate that:)
  • In less than 2 weeks we will be embarking on our first BIG vacation with the little man.  We are flying to Maine to spend time with my aunt/uncle/cousins that live out there.  My parents and sister/brother-in-law- are all going.  So it will be a great family affair…we haven’t had a family vacation in awhile… so it will be a great time!! And interesting nonetheless.
  • He also is now rocking out in his stroller like a big man.  No carseat needed.  Thank goodness...cause the poor guy gets so hot in that car seat, and now he can look out and enjoy the scenery. J
  • DHe lovvvvvvvves lexi. He gets distracted by her often. I think lexi is starting to enjoy his prescence too. Not that we have EVER even came CLOSE to an issue with lexi and the baby…but sometimes I wonder if she’s a little sad that we aren’t AS obsessed with her as we used to be.
  • Please ignore the box
    around my head. (Hunty's Baptism)
    Hunter got baptized.  Yes, it was beautiful.  its amazing the thigns you feel once you become a mom….it was a very emotional mass to see my son being welcomed into the church of god.  I have not ever been a BIG church/religious person…I believe in God, I go to church once in awhile….but that moment…was amazing.  He’s got the best godparents ever.  My sister Kelly, Hunter’s sister Laura, and our brother in law Bob.  He’s one lucky lil guy. 
  • He eats rice cereal two times a day…and we’ve really started to get that down pat and I think he really enjoys eating like a “big boy”…..he’s always starring at hunter and I when we eat wondering when he gets someJ  So although its not as scrumptious as MOST of our meals….he feels like part of the family.
  • I am still trying to find the balance of time with hunter and working out.  although working out is important to me, Hunty is obviously more important and that time can pass….but I know someday soon I’ll find the balance I need.  I’ve been going on early morning (5:30 a.m.—OMG! J) walks with a friend and nights that Hunter is home I try to go on walks with Lexi at night once Hunty goes down.  Although it doesn’t happen allllll the time, it is happening more often than it used to.  LEts just say that the YMCA is make bank off of me.
  • Watch out Holmen...
    Hunter and his cousin Easton are a hoot….you can quote me on this now…..those two are going to be trouble.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you…or, I guess I am warning myself…but….it’s gonna happenJ
  • August is filled with a LOT of fun adventures….so I am hoping to post about many of them….everytime I write a post I enjoy the feeling afterwards….but I always struggle to keep up…but I’m trying.
  • I miss Hunty…A LOT today….I miss him every day…but today, I am counting down the seconds to picking him up….maybe that is why I am enjoying this Momma Jibberish post.
In case I reference this…future post ideas
  • Pinterest challenge…which is a copycat from two blogs that I follow (Bower Power and Young House Love)…but MAYBE if I put a pinterest challenge in a post, it will get me to ACTUALLY do it.  Or maybe next time I’ll partake in THEIR challenge.  Orrrr…maybe I’ll just talk about all the great ideas that I don’t do, but find on pinterest.
  • August events….as a teaser…..Maine. Dirty Girl. Baby Shower Galore.
  • Book Club….I bet you’d love to hear about my book club…it’s a good timeJ with good people. good food. good drinks…….oh, and I suppose, mostly good books.
Until next time friends….

Friday, May 18, 2012

Adventure #7….I’m supposed to push a baby outta WHERE??

Last picture of me pregnant....
probably about 4 hours before HY was born
So the moment we’ve all been waiting for…the arrival of our baby.  We were all ready and waiting, seeing as though this little munchkin made the arrival SIX days late…but who’s counting, right?
Well it all started around 3 a.m. on February 8th.  I woke up in the middle of the night with what felt like period cramps.  Huh…I wonder what this is? Went to the bathroom…you know, since I was already upJ  Then I decided to search online as to my symptoms to see what the “gypsies” (aka…BabyCenter) had to say.  Some people said, yes, you could have the baby SOON…or it could still take awhile.  humpf.  So back to bed I went.  I woke up at 615 and took Lexi on a walk…and these “cramps” would come and go.  So, being the confused momma that I was, I decided to text my trusty sister-in-laws… “do contractions feel like period cramps?”…which then was returned with texts/phone calls “YES!!!!!!!!!! WHATS GOING ON!?!!? ARE YOU HAVING CONTRACTIONS?? HOW FAR APART ARE THEY!?!?” and yes…they YELLED ALL those questionsJ  so after their recommendation, I decided to call the nurse advisor line to ask their opinion…should I go to the hospital? Should I get checked? etc.  They ended up setting up an appt for 930 to go get checked by the midwife at the clinic in Onalaska.  So I called into work and bummed around with my hubby and puppy….thinking, this might be it…the last time it’s just the three of us. Weird.  Lexi was very confused, she could tell something was up…why isn’t mom going to work? Where are they taking these bags? etc. 
so, we packed up the car, incase (fingers crossed) we weren’t going to be coming back home.  As hoped, the dr. checked me and I was 5 cm dilated and 95% effaced and felt confident that we were going to be having a baby that day!! So we made the trip to la crosseJ  it was a very surreal car ride.  I called momma Gillman to see if she had any plans for the day…her and pops were VERY ready to drop everything and make the trek up to la crosseJ
We arrived at La Crosse and were sent to our room…oh boy. I was given a beautiful gown and that was my outfit for the next 7-8 hours.  Contractions were bearable for the most part for the first few hours.  The nurse discussed our game plan, I expressed that I wanted to try to do this without any drugs…and that was the last we ever discussed the work “drugs” or “epidural”.  We started out by doing, what I like to call, “hot laps” around the L&D area.  Don’t get that term confused with how we refer to them when LEXI does “hot laps” I definitely was NOT going that quicklyJ heheh  But we made a few trips around chatting about life.  We ran into our friends Mike and Jackie in the waiting room, who were there visiting their precious molly who was staying in the NICU and was born 13 days earlier then our special baby.  It was a pleasant surprise.  As contractions started to get more intense where I could comfortable walk, I decided to try to use the tub.  And THAT is where I sat for the next two hours.  The would monitor me and the baby every ½ hour or so…and their ‘water doppler’ didn’t work that graet, so they asked if I could get out of the tub around 430 or so…so I reluctantly agreed.  At this point contractions were tough.  Most of the time I would be completely silet…and for some reason this is when hunter thought was best to ask me questions and try to converse…..when I LEAST wanted toJ  By the time I got out of the tub, they checked me, and I was 9 cm! GAME ON!! here goes nothing.  I had an AMAZING nurse.  There was also a student from viterbo observing our labor.  This was her first labor (hopefully I didn’t traumatize herJ).  Between my nurse and my midwife, they were awesome cheerleaders.  Hunter was more of a silent/sometimes vocal cheerleader…but primarily my nurse/midwife were VERY motivational, yelling at me, telling me how great I was doing, etc.  Now I cannot imagine doing it without them.
Approximately 10 minutes before our budle of joy was born he/she decided to poop, so that threw a wrench in our game plan.  Prenatal doctors/nurses were on standby to come check on the baby AS SOON as he/she was born.  So they notified us, that the baby would be able to go skin to skin VERY briefly before cutting the umbilical cord and then going to be checked.  The rest of the delivery was a blur.  My nurse said that she was done with work at 7…and I told her, she wasn’t going anywhere until this baby was born! I was getting a little sassy/feisty by this pointJ  Lucky for her, our baby was born 10 minutes after that commentJ
Our lil stinker butt also surprised the midwife, by TURNING at the last second.  SO our baby was born, as the refer to it, “sunny side up”.  Man…that was an amazing feeling…the moment our baby was born and having the pain disappear and the love INSTANTLY appear.  Placing that baby on my chest, I cried immediately, followed by looking at my husband and saying…we did it….our baby is here….and smiled uncontrollably from ear to ear.  Hunter cut the umbilical cord, and the took the baby to check to make sure he/she didn’t swallow any meconium (for some reason I can NOT remember that word for the life of me).  As I lay there, I realize….is our baby a boy or girl. I ask Hunter, he says, oh my, I don’t know!? so we ask again…no one answers…..we ask AGAIN….no one answers.  Now I realize they are very busy checking to make sure everything is good with baby….but SERIOSULY…we’ve been waiting for TEN months to find out the gender…finally….probably after a minute…someone finally answered….”It’s a Boy!!”
The surprise…wow. I can’’s.a.boy. EVERYONE thought this baby was going to be a little girl. Although I always thought it was going to be a boy….i was still shocked.  just shocked.  And THAT, my friends….is the day that Hunter Wayne Young Jr. was born.
The BEST day of my life….
One of the most exciting things was that I was able to do this without any drugs.  Honestly, I was proud of myself.  I was so scared of that process and what I was going to do, and how I was going to handle the pain.  As silly as it sounds, I forgot I had the option.  The nurse/midwife NEVER asked if I wanted drugs (besides the initial discussion when we got there)…so I was never reminded of the option.  They said sweet things like “You’re such a good pusher”, “Youre so close” “You’re the poster child for natural childbirth”.  Now, I kind of think they tell everyone that! J  But I’ll take it, because at that moment, I thought I ROCKEDJ ha. I did it!
The next surprise…as they gave hunter his first bath, and got him all pretty (man, you should have seen the shape of the poor guys head when he first came out!! HOLY CRAP! ha), they then weighed him…..8 lbs….13 oz.  *JAW DROP* WHAT!?!?!??! NO WAY!!  Big lil man! J
Hunter Wayne Young, Jr.
8 lbs. 13 oz.
Hunter Junior was full of surprises….1) he was a boy 2) He was huge.  I always say, I did have way too many brownies and ice cream the last two weeks of my pregnancy.  I am taking that mental note for baby #2….i don’t want another ALMOST 9 pounder…yikesJ
I feel like I am missing tons from the day….if I remember anything, I’ll add it laterJ  Until then….

Friday, May 4, 2012

Adventure #6...Dear Baby

Soooo...did you miss me?? Anyone...anyone...anyone at all????  Whelp, oh well!

Well, anyone who does read this already knows...but in case i need to make an "official" announcement.  Hunter and I were blessed with a beautiful little boy on February 8, 2012 at 5:49 p.m.  His name is Hunter Wayne Young Jr. and he weighed 8 lbs 13 oz and was 22 inches long.  (more to come on that later:) )

Sooo...I'm officially back to work as of yesterday. Talk about a major bummer...but that will have to wait for another "adventure" post.

Now that i am back to work, i came across i file that i was working on while i was still pregnant.  It was a letter that i was writing to my Baby.  Each day i would come into the office and read it, edit it, add to it...and apparently...its finally time to post it.  Looks like i started writing it around 25 weeks and didn't finish it until 41 weeks.  I felt like i always had emotions/thoughts to add to it...and now, i guess I'm supposed to post it and document it.  Better late than never...

Dear Baby,
I am writing this letter to you as I am about 25 weeks pregnant.  Looking back, it seems as though time is flying, although time does not seem to go fast enough, because I am ever so anxious for your arrival.  Preparations have begun, and Daddy and I are trying to get the house ready for your arrival.  Although I want you here now, Daddy needs a little more time, he has many projects he wants to have done by the time you are born, lucky for him he gets approximately 15 more weeksJ
Throughout this pregnancy I have felt great; I hope this is an indication on how great of a baby you will be.  The last few weeks the FUN has really begun as I can feel you “movin’ and a shakin’” throughout the day.  Every time I feel a little kick or turn I smile from ear to ear wondering what you are doing inside my belly!  Makes pregnancy feel a little bit more real…and makes me happy to know that you are growing bigger and stronger with each kick.J
Baby, I want you to know how excited I am.  I am excited to be your momma. I am excited for our future and our many many memories we will make,  I am excited to see you grow into a mature adult…although I already feel as though you will always just be a baby, our baby.  I am in denial that you will actually ever grow up into a little person.  Daddy and I were wondering  the other night how we were ever going to have to let you grow up and go to college.  I thank my lucky starts that time is a FAR ways awayJ because we have many things we want to do with you, want to teach you, and want to see you achieve.
You are our next great adventure.  I couldn’t be more excited…this unpredictable adventure of goods, bads, happys, sads, and times of excitement and nervousness.  Daddy and I LOVE adventures, and we are most definitely excited to have another “partner in crime” to participate in our adventures with us.  We promise to show you the world and to live an adventurous life with you…it’s the only way to live…the “Young-way”.J
People you need to know when you come into this world…
Daddy: Your Daddy is an amazing man, sounds so cliché, but each and every day he does something to amaze me and make me love him more, and I believe that seeing him as a father to you and any other potential siblings will continue to make that love beam.  I know he is going to love you to pieces; he will talk to you in this silly little voice because he will adore you so very much and that’s his voice when he loves someone so very much (i.e. the way he talks to LexiJ).  He is the leader of many of our adventures, so hold on tight Baby, he’s got a lot of tricks up his sleeve.  Also, if you ever need anything, he is the man to ask.  He is very creative, and thankfully VERY handy and will be able to make/build/find you anything you ask of him…he’s very accommodating that way. J
Lexi:  Lexi was our first “baby” before you came along.  I am pretty sure you and Lexi are going to be the best of friends…she is a part of this family.  Daddy and I say to each other, daily, “what would our life be like without Lexi” because she makes us smile and giggle on a daily basis, but I think once you come into this world, we are going to wonder what our life was like before you….probably very boring and full of sleep.J  Lexi will most likely SLOBBER you with kisses, so get used to it.  I don’t worry about Lexi getting jealous of the time we spend with you, because she will be right there with us.  I know that we are going to be so grateful and so blessed and our lives will be so filled with love and happiness within our family.  I know, the moment you enter the world…we will start to wonder… “what was our life like before Baby?” because you will fill a space in our hearts that we never could have imagined and you will fill our lives and our home with more giggles and more smiles and MORE love...our home will be filled to the brim.
Mommy:  I don’t know what kind of Mommy I will be…I know I will SMOTHER you with love…be preparedJ  I already CRAVE being able to kiss that beautiful face of yours, to snuggle that little body of yours…all of it is just a figment of my imagination right now.  I want you to know you can always count on your Momma.  I want to be your friend but I want to be your mom…which I know I might struggle with the fine line that differentiates them both…because you need BOTH.  So don’t get mad when I am more of a mom than a friend….because I will only do that because I love you, and that’s my job.  It’ll be a learning experience for me….so thanks for being my guinea pig…the joys of being the oldest childJ  I can’t put into words everything I want to say…but the most important thing to always remember and to NEVER forget is…… Baby, We love you.

Some posts to look forward to:
  • Labor Delivery
  • Baby Hunter
  • Working Momma

    And for a little tease...I'll include some fabulous pictures of my little man! :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stilllllll pregnant… :)

Well peeps, I am here, and I am still carrying my child---in my belly.  My due date has come and gone.  I’m not that surprised; all along I have felt as though Baby has been very cozy in Momma’s belly.  So now what?  That is the question I am asking myself.  I am trying to “relax” because maybe my excitement/anticipation for him/her to arrive is holding up any advancement.  Not that there isn’t any advancement, because at this point I am 4 cm and 75% effaced…not much else my body can do without GOING INTO LABORRRRRRRRRRR! J
Its funny.  I have never felt so loved and thought of, as I have this past few weeks.  I get at least 10 people texting/asking me how I am feeling each and every day.  My hubby checks in with daily “anything yet?”—as if I wouldn’t text/call him if there were “anything” to reportJ heheh   I am trying not to get annoyed by the constant “you’re still here” or “where’s your baby?” etc.  It is all fun and games and people are just as excited to meet this lil one as we are!  So I’ll just enjoy the extra attention that this Baby bump is gettingJ  Because it’s the last time people will ask how IIII am doing….from now on, people will only want to know about Baby! J  including meJ heheheh   
All I can keep saying is “any day now…”  because it is true…or so rumor has it, Baby can’t stay in here foreverJ  As far as I know, February 14th will be the latest Baby will remain in his/her current occupancyJ
I am grateful that I am not entirely miserable, because that would make things worse.  Yes, it is a little bit harder to move around, get up and down, etc….but nothing that Momma can’t deal with.  So Dad and I will continue to wait patiently…you are lucky you are (MORE THAN) worth the wait, BabyJ
T-minus one week lil one….feel free to come out and surprise Momma at any timeJ

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It’s all fun and games until you read that your baby is the size of a watermelon…

We officially have a “full term” baby!! Yipppeeee!! Ease Momma Young’s mind a little bit.  Its good to know that the baby has fully developed lungs if he/she decides to come any day now!  Although, for those of you wondering….no, I don’t think this baby is making an appearance ANYTIME soon.  People keep asking, how are you feeling? anything feeling different?  Nope, nothing, I feel just the same I did a month ago….comfy lil baby.  Yes, it is true….37 weeks = Baby the size of a watermelon.  And in all seriousness…I am not concerned, I am just happy Baby is growing big and strongJ
We are feeling rather prepared for Baby’s arrival.  Each night I’ve done something little to throw into the hospital bag, to prepare the room, etc.  I hope to solidify, and zip that hospital bag up for good!  We had an incident where Lexi decided to eat all the snacks I had packed in the bag for the hospital…lil stinkerJ and I did another load of Baby laundry, so hopefully he/she will have a few outfits to last for a few days when we get home.
I’m trying to get my thoughts together about Baby and motherhood.  This morning was a day where I was very…emotional. Just thinking of the lil one made me almost cry.  Just to think how he/she is growing and that really…any day could arrive and my life will change forever and my life will become perfect.  Which is crazy, because I feel sooooo very blessed with the life that I have been living.  I have an amazing, supportive, fun, smiley, handy, understanding husband that each and every day, I count my lucky stars for, and who will be an amazing father and I wonder how I am the lucky one who gets to spend the rest of her life with this man. 
We are surrounded by friends and family that mean the world to us and that make our lives feel complete and fulfilled.  And soon we will be adding a little baby into this adorable family of ours…and believe it or not…it’s going to get better…even when I sometimes can’t believe it could get better...this is just the beginning of amazement that will be coming when Baby arrives.
I am still coming to grasps about labor and delivery, but I am trying to emotionally/mentally prepare myself for it.  I have contemplated the ideas of the different pain medications that are available and what I hope to be able to forgo or use, which has been a challenge.  To one degree I feel as though I shouldn’t make the decision since I have no idea what this experience will consist of or how in the world it will feel.  But I worry that if I go into it just feeling like “we’ll see what happens”, I wont be “strong” enough to believe in myself and my body to do what I have been made to do.  I’ve realized I want to try my ABSOLUTE best to do what is best for the baby.  When I go into labor I will no longer be thinking of myself first…I am becoming a mother, and that means Baby goes first in my book for the rest of my life, from that moment on.  Love it…but it’s WEIRD to think aboutJ  I can not wait for this next chapter in our lives to begin…its going to be one wild ride! J
I’m sorry, I think this is a very RANDOM, sporadic blog post…that’s what I get for not updating often enough.  Maybe someday I’ll get better….maybe. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Adventure #5...November in a Nutshell

yes, this is a weak attempt at a title, and to blur the whole month into ONE post...what kind of blogger AM i!?!?! :)  Sorry get what you get:)  Here is a fun update from the month...i wish i had more pictures to share, but there are a feW!

November in a Nutshell...

·   I participated in jury duty for the first time in my life. It was fun…although I would have loved to be more involved and do my civic duty, I was a little relieved when I was not picked.  It was a highly covered case here in the county.  So instead, I got paid to sit in the courtroom for one day and read a book. No complaints from this girl….:) oh, except the seating in there should be paddedJ hehe  Here was the trial result:  Trisha Stratman
Mom, Me, Sister
28 Weeks

·   We had our first baby shower back home at my sister’s house.  it was fabulous! actually pretty surreal to see all of these adorable baby things…and wait……this is for OUR baby…J  it’s a great thought…but I still sometimes need to stop and think about it. weird.  I love my family…my sister/mom really know how to throw a good party! Baby Young is one lucky kiddo!
·   We got a cocktail table for our kitchen.  It was a nifty lil switch-er-roo that my sister and I did with tables.  It rocks!! Our kitchen is small and has been sans-kitchen table since we have lived there…and I have just felt like our kitchen was never complete.  Well, it now has a more “home-y” feel to it….i love it!!! J
·   Participated in the Pahl cookie bake!! yippee! We didn’t get to stay very long, but it is always nice to catch up with all the Aunties and their crazy cookie bakeJ They are, straight up, IMPRESSIVE!  Then I got to babysit our nephew, Easton, for the first timeJ He was an angel!! lexi had fun with him too….although there was an ABUNDANCE of puppy kisses, but Easton didn’t seem to mind one bitJ

Yes...we stood outside.

·   Went Black Friday shopping at midnight…probably won’t do that again, ironically, I actually think I like waking up early better….less competition.  We stood in line for almost 2 hours for a TV…just to go up to pay for it and be told they are “out”….hmm….thanks, pretty ballsy comment to a pregnant lady who is up WAY past her bedtime.

·   Hunter has been spending a lot of time hunting.  Has he gotten a deer, you ask…?  No…I don’t know what the hold up is?….Daddy needs to “provide for the family”J hehehe jk!
·   We are in super doper basement mode…and its pretty much DONE!! YIPPPEEEE!!! We completed the painting/carpeting on November 30th.  I will post pictures soon, maybe in my “holiday bucket list update”…assuming I follow through and actually do oneJ ha.  Last night (December 1st…so technically this should be in the December updateJ), it was completed with the hanging of wall décor, deer heads (YES, I said deer heads…and YES, I am the best wife ever) and a new TV…woot woot!  ALSO…lexi was VERY scared of the basement throughout this entire process…..she now….LOVES it…or is at least getting CLOSER to loving it. That makes Hunter and I VERY happy.  But who were we kidding…she’d go crazy not hanging out and spending quality time with us…and visa versaJ  Love that lil puppy pants.
·   Oh, did I mention I have an abdominal hernia? Yea, weird, right?  So I got that checked out…its above my belly button, and it sticks out.  So I have a hernia, NOT a belly button, that sticks out of my pregnant belly. awkward.  I am advised to get it surgically removed post-babykins.
·   We went xmas tree hunting…I am going to save that for the December update…just seems more fittingJ

Please note, this is NOT my actual belly,
but this is what it looked like:)
Oh…one last thing, also, should be in a December update, but I just cant wait any longer…I had the greatest little surprise this morning…as I was lubing up my baby belly (sorry, was that a bad mental picture? hehehe) I looked in the mirror (which I often try to avoid) and saw this CRAZY looking thing on my belly…started to have a mini-heart attack wondering what is THAT now…and finally…a light bulb went on…it was Baby’s foot!!…Okay, to be honest, I am not 100% sure what body part it was, but it is now permanently engraved in my memory as Baby’s footprint. and SERIOUSLY…it was the most precious little footprint I could have ever imagined….that is OUR baby’s lil foot!!  I called hunter instantly and told him about it and said how I wish he would have been able to see it with me…instead, I made lexi check it out…she was impressed!!

SUPER PUPPY!! :) All she needs is a cape!

And to make this blog post needs a picture of my precious lil peanut! :)